
Devigner blog about development and design

Apple Aperture Cheat Sheets

As some know, I’m a faithful Aperture user and anything to stay productive is always a good thing with me. This morning I created some Aperture cheat sheets for myself and even though I’m pretty used to the shortcuts I can always use a refresher.

Aperture Cheat Sheets

For you Aperture users I’m providing the cheat sheets for you to use. Download the ApertureCheatSheets.zip file which contains the desktop image and a printable pdf. Currently in wide screen format. If standard sizes are needed I can quickly adjust and provide a new version.

Thanks Richard for your help in proofing and giving design ideas!

If you find them helpful, discover an error or want something changed, post back. I’d like to hear how you’re using them.

Note: Lightroom 1.3 Cheat Sheets can be found here.