Over the past few months, I have been using kGTD, the excellent implementation of David Allen’s “Getting Things Done” by Ethan Schoonover. You can grab a copy at Kinkless.com. I won’t go into the features of the software. Ethan’s done a great job of that, and if you’re Mac-Nerdy like me, you’ve probably seen or used it already. 43folders.com has some terrific articles as well.
In my spare time, I have been working on a Ruby on Rails port of the app for me to use when I’m not in front of my powerbook. Someone expressed their interest in this web app today as a means to sync kGTD with a web-based version. I think the true context was to sync it with Basecamp. It only makes sense to me to open this up for discussion.
A very short list of my planned features:
- Obviously, syncing between the two will be a challenge and a necessity.
- All of the standard features; action lists, contexts, projects, due dates, etc.
- iCal integration
- Reminders
- An API so Ethan (if he has time) can script in a sync feature with the web app and possibly a konfabulator widget for those Windows users who stumble in.
What I would like is for any of you who are interested in using this app, or are currently using kGTD to let me know what features you envision to be included in the first version — lets get creative about this. In no way do I plan on replacing kGTD, but building upon it to extend it in new ways.