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Emacs Mode for dpaste.com

Since Paul Bissex announced the api for Django-powered dpaste.com last week I’ve had it’s been on my todo list to make a emacs mode for posting pasties.

Last evening, again while watching football, I whipped up a emacs mode and have it hosted over at github.

git clone git://github.com/gregnewman/dpaste.el.git and add to your .emacs

or track the changes within your .emacs configs

git submodule add git://github.com/gregnewman/dpaste.el.git vendor/dpaste

M-x dpaste-buffer

Will post the current buffer to dpaste.com and put the curl to the paste in the kill-ring

M-x dpaste-region-or-buffer

Will post the marked region or current buffer to dpaste.com and put the curl to the paste in the kill-ring

If there is any interest, I can also make a version for my vim using friends.

I have a few items remaining that I want to do with it but at this point it is fully functional. If you have a wish or a bug, either leave a comment here or at the github project. I hope you find it useful.