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OmniFocus Starts, Things Benched

With all the options in great Mac software these days, I’m sure I am not the only one who feels a little disorganized by the organization options presented to us.

I started GTD back in the days of Kinkless GTD. I was then a beta user of OmniFocus and I have been bouncing back and forth between Things and OmniFocus since Things reared it’s pretty little head. Not anymore, I’m done with Things.

Things (Almost)

Things is a beautiful application; enough said about that. It’s simple and streamlined which works well in most situations. However, my life is not even close to simple these days.

Things doesn’t give me the options to easily split projects into sub-projects the way OmniFocus does.

Things leaves it’s waste of finished tasks in plain site. That’s not what I want to stay focused and is probably just a personal preference.

Capturing data from other sources (mail, safari, emacs) is not so straight forward. It requires too many clicks to get the job done. I do know that there are some applescripts floating around to help in this area but it’s not the solution I am looking for.

Things doesn’t have a great start date – finish date scheduling system.

These are the Things that has me starting Omnifocus.

OmniFocus (Win)

The three reasons OmniFocus is my starting player are:

OmniFocus Perspectives are fantastic for organizing your workload once you get the hang of it. I didn’t really get Perspectives until Fraser Speirs explained his workflow. This alone is what initially brought me back to OmniFocus. I mimicked Fraser’s Perspective setup but made a few changes. The biggest being I use flagged as a “Today” list. What I plan to work on today gets a flag status.

Easy capture of data with Clip-O-Tron. Kinda a wierd name but it does what it does so well. I’ve mapped the shortcut to Command+5 and can dump anything in my inbox from Anywhere. That’s priceless.

Syncing OmniFocus with my iPhone is painless. I don’t have to be in my studio to do a sync. Things only syncs over your local wireless network. While I don’t get out of my Studio too often, when I do I want to be able to sync up with my lists.

NOTE: This is not meant to be a review of Things or OmniFocus, just a brain dump of the reasons I’ve settled on OmniFocus to keep me on track with my work and life.