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Ruby & FastCGI Problems Resolved

Well we finally got it working, otherwise you wouldn’t be reading this! As we struggled to locate what the actual problem was, all we found was other people with similar problems but no one had answers. Finally the problem is solved. Here’s what we found to be the correct installation order (obviously D/L & install applies to each step):

  • 1. Ruby
  • 2. Ruby Gems
  • 3. Rails
  • 4. MySQL-Ruby C Bindings
  • 5. FastCGI Developers Kit (Muy Importante!!!!)
  • 6. Ruby-fastcgi bindings (0.8.6 or higher due to mem leak issue in older versions)
  • 7. Install DSO for mod_fastcgi (Apache 1.3)

  • NOTE: For Apache 2 & lighttpd step 7 is different but since we’re using Apache 1.3 I’ll digress.

This is just a quick reference so if you don’t know how to use curl, wget or how to run make, I suggest some more reading before attempting this. Hope this helps everyone out there having setup issues similar to ours.