I think It’s been about three years now since I was first introduced to Moleskine notebooks. If I remember correctly, it was about the same time I adopted GTD and was reading 43 Folders regularly. They are sexy little notebooks available in a number of styles for writers and artists alike. Personally, I use the Moleskine ruled notebook for client notes and the Moleskine sketchbook for the obvious – sketches.
Personally, I think the plain black cover is perfect the way it is. However, engraveyourbook.com is offering engraving services for Moleskines. You can have the cover and spine engraved to your liking with either Helvetica or use an uploaded image.
If you are endowed with artistic ability, you can submit up to three images for consideration to be used as stock designs for the covers. Currently they have four stock designs available. I’m sure that will expand rapidly. In my opinion this is a cool idea. I doubt I would order one with a cover engraving but the spine would come in handy. And Helvetica is just as sexy as the Moleskine notebooks.