
Devigner blog about development and design

New Years Eve With Nikon, Wife and Artcore

New Years Eve with my Wife and my Ibanez Artcore. I broke out the strobes and we played around while sipping wine and champaign.

Taken with a Nikon D80
Sigma 10-20mm
One SB-28 into a reflective umbrella to the camera left
One SB-600 through white umbrella to the camera right
I had a third SB-600 to the rear of the subjects but the strobe would not fire. Not sure what’s going on with it. Maybe batteries.


Two Of My Loves

In Thought

I’ve had some people ask if the backdrop is a Muslin and where I got it. It’s not a Muslin and I got it on ebay for dirt cheap from The Backdrop Outlet. This particular drop is a 11′ × 20′. They are good people to deal with!