Django People
BBEdit Clippings
A set of clippings for Django for use with BBEdit
Geektools Python Gmail Script
A python script for use in terminal or geektools to return the count of unread emails.
Emacs mode to clip from the buffer and create a paste with it at dpaste.com; afterwhich the url is return to the killring in emacs.
Django Seamoss
A simple CMS app for use within your Django projects.
I spend a lot of time with a great group of programmers working on the Pinax Project which is an open-source collection of re-usable apps for the Django Web Framework.
Cloud27 is a demonstration of what Pinax can do out-of-the-box but is also a rapidly growing social network in its own right with many more features to come. While it’s in early beta and there is a lot of work to do to finish off the site, I’ve had a great time contributing the design and logo for C27.
In my need to provide my clients with a ‘simple’ shopping cart that’s agile enough to customize quickly and pluggable enough to add to existing Django projects I have started the Scofield Project. To stick with the Jazz theme the Scofield Project is appropriately named after the Master Jazz Guitarist John Scofield.
- Nested Categories
- Manufacturers
- Multiple images per product with thumbnails and effects using sorl-thumbnail
- Wishlist
- Tagging
- Threaded Comments for products
- Products model is a abstract class allowing you to easily extend the fields
- Django-Tagging
- Django-ThreadedComments
- Sorl-thumbnail
- Django-Debug_toolbar (optional)
A set of template tags for Django projects. Use the cachebuster tag_helpers to ensure the browswers are not caching your css or javascript edits. Using the template tags will return a full css or javascript tag with the filename and a sha1 string appended based on the name of the file and the edit date of the file. When the file is changed the hash is also updated.
A Django pluggable Document Library with FTP, S3 or local file storage for uploaded documents. Other features to be implemented are:
- Multiple Libraries
- Categories
- Tagging of documents
- Reporting, document view counts and who viewed documents
Atheneum is currently in development and should be completed soon.
Photoshop Lightroom Cheat Sheets
Apple Aperture Cheat Sheets